Consultancy Fields

Regions, Spaces & Places

Set of the course for sustainable development

Social changes emerge in certain places, at certain times. Patterns of demographic change, migration, new forms of economy and labour, mounting pressure on environment and limited natural resources are variable from one place or one region to another. Our task is to recognize or even to anticipate these changes, and to give them new impetus to take a sustainable direction.

Why is a territorial perspective so important?

For finding solutions to societal challenges, it is necessary to ensure the commitment of different stakeholders to cooperate meaningfully. Anybody’s commitment to our common wellbeing derives from the responsibilities inherent to each one’s particular professional and social role.

The regional context provides an appropriate arena to find solutions to global challenges, whereas isolated places may lack the necessary resources and complexity may quickly rise to unmanageable dimensions on larger scales. Of course, places and regions should not be regarded as “silos.” It is important to shape both the place-bound relationships of stakeholders and their global networking abilities to get them prepared for uncertain futures.

>> Consultancy services on regions, spaces & places


Organisations & Cooperation Systems

Cooperation skills

We offer you made-to-measure services and contribute with all our passion, competence and experience. Our focus is the organisational capacity to cooperate, particularly in complex environments and projects.

The interaction of several organisations in a complex cooperation system requires a well-designed «third space» in which the individual stakeholders are able to contribute to common goals in a respectful and considerate manner, in all their diversity, while at the same time furthering their own agenda.

Shaping change

Organisations are facing multiple and complex challenges: Their environment is often volatile and contradictory; they may be under pressure from strong competition or legitimacy issues; the requirements for cooperation, networking capabilities and staff productivity are on the rise. It’s therefore that organisations need to embrace the notion of continuous change, as there are great opportunities out there to co-create the future we want to live in.

>> Consultancy services for organisations & cooperation systems


Evaluation & Impacts

Professional and systematic approach

Monitoring means observation, evaluation means judgement. In the same way that we evaluate our own actions every day in order to get better in doing things, we assess programs and projects. However, whilst we tend to act intuitively in everyday life, project evaluation requires a professional, systematic approach. We therefore rely on scientific evaluations standards: Utility, feasibility, fairness and accuracy.

Holistic concept of evaluation

We are guided by a holistic view, meaning that we always ensure that our evaluations follow a systemic approach, taking into account different contexts and perspectives. It is particularly important for us to include diverse views, interests and needs of stakeholders. This not only contributes to the quality of the findings, but also will ensure that they are actually taken up and transformed into action.

Communication as the key to collective learning

Our aim is to foster fruitful dialogues in order to instigate learning processes as an essential result of our evaluations. For you to be able to use the evaluation results and to implement them effectively, we present the results and practical recommendations in understandable ways. We also offer you hands-on support through consulting, coaching and workshop facilitation.

>> Consultancy services on evaluation & impacts


& Räume

Organisationen & Kooperationen

& Wirkungen

  • Regionale Strategien, Programme, Governance
  • Nachhaltiger Tourismus
  • Stadt- und Dorfentwicklung
  • Regionale Wirtschaftsentwicklung
  • Naturpark / Biodiversität
  • Regionale Beteiligungsprozesse, Partizipation
  • Strategieentwicklung
  • Organisationsentwicklung
  • Führung
  • Projektberatung
  • Management auf Zeit
  • Moderation
  • Mediation & Konfliktlösung
  • Coaching & Teamentwicklung
  • Training
  • Evaluierungskonzepte und Monitoringsysteme
  • Formative Evaluierung
  • Summative Evaluierung
  • Prozessevaluierung
  • Wirkungsevaluierung
  • Begleitung bei Selbstevaluierung

Regions, Spaces
& Places

Each region, each place is characterized by social relationships whose cracks and shifts propel societal transformation. ÖAR GmbH helps you to decipher and to shape these patterns for the sake of common well-being.


Evaluation & Impacts

Have we achieved our goals? What is it that we have actually achieved? As trivial as these questions may sound, it is worthwhile to face them in earnest. Without knowing the effects of our projects, we’ll miss out on learning and getting better. ÖAR GmbH helps you to get prepared for tricky decisions.


Organisations & Cooperation Systems

Organisations keep producing added value if they embrace change and skilfully practice the art of cooperation. ÖAR GmbH accompanies you on this future-oriented journey.



of ÖAR GmbH

Women and men, loving and being loved, committed, passionate, holding shares, cherishing partnerships, entertainers, entrepreneurs, counsellors, consultants, coaches, networkers, experts, ...

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