Michael Fischer
Since 2009 with the ÖAR GmbH, since 2014 shareholder of the same. Accompany change processes with spatial cover, monitor and evaluate effects. Lecturer at the University of Natural Resources.
Contact directlySelected References
Strategies for regions with population decline, expertise for the OEROK homonymous partnership CP: Rosinak & Partner, Federal Institute for Less Favoured and Mountainous Areas)
Introduction of intercommunal planning and development tools in Burgenland, project study (CP: Rosinak & Partner)
Future Network of the country, cooperation in the networking centre for the LE14-20 programme (CP: Agrar.Projekt.Verein, Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, an inovative environmental umbrella association)
„Netzwerk Kulinarik” (Austrian Network for culinary initiatives), intervention logic and monitoring
A New Approach for Rural Development in Georgia, establishing a LEADER region in the large municipality of Borjomi, Georgia
Master Plan Rural Area in Burgenland, participatory strategy process (CP: ÖIR GmbH, Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), Federal Institute for Mountainous Areas)
Impact orientation in regional development, study within the framework of the ÖREK partnership "Strengthening Regional Action Stains"
Evaluation of culinary initiatives under the LE07-13 program (CP: Institute for Systemic Development)
Coordination of ex ante evaluation for the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (CP: ÖIR GmbH)
Scale and impact of participation processes in Local Action Groups (LAG) 2007-2013, Study (CP: ÖIR GmbH)
Impact research for agricultural education and counselling in Austria, evaluation study (CP: Austrian Institute for Adult Education-oieb)
(CP = cooperation partner)
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Consulting Priorities
- Systemic evaluation and impact analysis
- Quality of life: Measurement and process-oriented control
- Regional and rural development planning
- Learning regions: Regional innovation systems and lifelong learning in regional networks
- Application of empirical social research for rural development
Education and training
HTL for mechanical engineering and industrial engineering.
Studied sociology at the University of Vienna.
Training in project management, moderation and sustainable regional development.
And otherwise …
… Subsistence farmer in East Styria.