Alistair Adam-Hernández
Since November 2022 partner and consultant at ÖAR GmbH. Provides sustainable input, foments fruitful collaborations, and shapes effective transformation processes in regions and organisations towards sustainability.
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Consultant in the transnational Erasmus+ joint project "REBOUND - Fostering Resilience in Rural Communities" for the development and testing of a training course for professionals in rural and community development
Researcher on the "InDaLE" project to comparatively analyse innovative solutions and approaches for providing basic services in rural areas in Europe
Trainer and lecturer in various capacity building programmes for voluntary and community sector in village development, such as Dorfmoderation (Lower Saxony), Digitallotsen (North Rhine-Westphalia), or the Akademie der Dorfhelden (Brandenburg)
Consortium leader of the applied research project "eMobilität vorleben" for the implementation of intelligent electromobility solutions between rural and urban areas in the District of Göttingen
Development and foundation of the professional network "Netzwerk Regionalmanagement und Wirtschaftsförderung e.V."
Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HAWK) in Göttingen (Faculty of Resource Management) and the Leibniz University of Hanover (Institute for Environmental Planning)
Speaker and lecturer on the topics of regional, village and community development, resilience of local communities and areas as well as innovative public services in rural areas (among others)
Download CVAlistair Adam-Hernández
Likes to work with a transdisciplinary and networked approach between the realms of applied spatial and social sciences, academic as well as further education and training and also in consultancy for public, civil society and corporate organisations. Mainly active in the consultancy field of regions, spaces, and places.
Consulting Priorities
- Sustainable spatial and economic development
- Co-creation and focus on the common good
- Integrated, multi-sectoral and participatory rural development (e.g. LEADER-CLLD)
- Integrated and sustainable neighbourhood development with a focus on community (co-) housing projects
- Conception, monitoring and evaluation of multilateral participation and strategy processes
- Assessment and evaluation of socio-spatial resilience
- International comparative studies as well as preparation and transfer of best and next practices
- Empirical spatial and social research for local and regional development and transformation processes
- Project and funding management
- Training and further education of LAG managers, economic and business development officers, and the wider voluntary and community sector in spatial development
Education and Training
Cooperative doctorate in geography at the University of Vechta and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HAWK) in Göttingen (DE)
M.A. Regional Management and Business Development at the Univ. of Applied Sciences and Arts (HAWK) in Göttingen (DE)
Diploma in Business Administration at the Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias Empresariales of the University of La Laguna, Tenerife (ES)
And otherwise …
“… member of the ecovillage hannover. An urban village, which has set itself the goal of becoming one of the largest sustainable and co-creative housing development in Europe.”