Hermann Gigler
ÖAR senior consultant since 1990 with focus on local and regional development as well as sustainable tourism development.
Contact directlySelected References
Evaluation of Federal Government Environmental Funding 2014-2016
„Give The City A Face! „ Development concept for the renewal of the historical Old Town of Eisenerz
Action plan to secure and revitalize local town centres and inner cities (CP: balloon architecture ZT-KG)
Feasibility study for marketing measures in the Nature Park Südsteiermark
White Paper for “Local Town Centres”, Master Plans of the cities of Hartberg, Bruck/Mur, Bad Radkersburg (CP: sixpack +)
Regional development program of Zentralraum Steiermark (Central Area of Styria) (CP: Regionalentwicklung.at)
Development and process support "Regional development policy of Eastern Styria" (CP: Institut für Systemische Entwicklung)
Brand development Schilcherland and regional implementation of quality brands
EQUITY SI-AT, Quality of Life for people with disabilities in sports and leisure (cross-border ETZ project)
Pilgrimage Europe SI-AT, design, consultation and process support of a cross-border ETZ project
(CP = cooperation partner)
VCF CardHermann Gigler, MA
Consulting Priorities
- Concept design and implementation of collaborative and participatory development processes
- Regional economical development concepts, development strategies and guidelines.
- Brand strategy, regional identity and positioning; Implementation of (regional) umbrella brands and quality labels
- Guidelines and positioning for regions and municipalities
- Urban and village development and renewal, local agenda
- Building collaborations, cooperation and networks
- Feasibility studies and development of marketing and sales cooperation
- Development and consultation of economic and site development projects
- Feasibility studies, market capability and profitability analyses; regional analyses and potential analyses of regions
- Conception, development and consultation of tourism projects
Education and training
Secondary College of Business Administration, studied at the University of Graz.
Further education and qualification: Organisational development, systemic counselling, project management, quality management, innovation management, university course of media studies.
And otherwise …
… if time allows, on tour with the bright red VW bus.