Karmen Mentil
Since 1998 consultant and shareholder of ÖAR GmbH. Senior consultant and mainly active in the consulting fields sustainable tourism development, international project management and the organisation of specialist events.
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Researcher, project manager and lecturer at Deggendorf Institute of Technology, since 07/2022
Management / administration and marketing Alpine Pearls, 2006 - 2022
Consultant of the Austrian Rural Network, www.zukunftsraumland. at
Tourism labels of sustainability, eg. TourCert, member of the certification body since 2014
Tourism and regional development projects with participatory approaches and activating events, eg., for the destination of Werfenweng, Austria, 2000 - 2019
Organisation of study trips & specialist excursions, eg. media trips „Alpine Crossing“– climate-neutral travels through the Alps
Concept and consulting for developing cycling tourism in rural regions
LEADER Programming planning and process moderation, eg. LEADER Region Lebens.Wert.Pongau
Publications, eg. illustrated book "Sanft mobil auf Neuen Wegen" (Gentle mobile on New Paths): Ideas, concept, implementation
Ongoing lectures and presentations on the topics of: - sustainable tourism development - environmentally-friendly mobility in tourism - transnational cooperations - participatory approaches in regional development
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Consulting Priorities
- Project management of international (funding) projects
- Building cross-border cooperation
- Organisation of discussion and decision-making processes on local to international level
- Concepting and implementing participatory development processes
- Strategy and project development for tourist regions and municipalities
- Conception, development and consultation of climate-protection tourism projects
- Project consulting for municipalities, tourism regions and decision-makers
- Organisation and moderation of innovative specialist events, training for tourist service providers
- Media work
- Tourist development on sustainability: climate, environment, economy, social affairs, nature tourism, sustainable mobility, sports tourism, e-mobility
Education and training
Trade academy
University for Tourism Management and Leisure Economics IMC Krems (in English).
Further qualification: moderation, organisational development, systemic consulting, project management, trainer, quality management, e-mobility, EU funding, Summer School Tourism & SDGs